Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hello Friends,

I am moved and honoured that you have found the time to come and read about what is important to me – it is my hope that what I share makes some contribution to the deeper meaning of your own lives too and that you take away a little something special each time.

It had always been my intention to keep this blog upbeat and positive. Not just another “whiney” website where people feel worse when they leave than when they arrived!

So please read to the end of today’s entry! I will try making it end more positively than it begins!

This has been another difficult week (on top of about 30 other difficult weeks) for us, we have been struggling to pay for all the things we need and it is making us rather unpopular. The costs of simple necessities like bread and milk have to be weighed up against the cost of our security. Having petrol has to be prioritised over dustbin bags and washing powder.

It is the first time for me that I really feel like we may lose this fight and in losing it we lose our babies and our life’s work.

Mom has always had more faith but I watch her frantically sending out emails and prayers hoping for what now needs to be a miracle. I hope that in some small way my prayers join hers and yours to make that happen.

During my sleepless night last night I was praying and all that kept coming to me was the phrase “Give us this day our daily bread” over and over again. It made me think that maybe I need to just focus on managing each day and not looking too far ahead. It’s hard – doing that.

It goes against TLC’s visionary nature to look only at the here and now. What about my children’s future! What happens when we have to say “That’s it. No More. It’s over”? I cannot bear the thought! I was plotting (in my humanity) yesterday of what we could do to pay the security company... sell all the TV’s, let staff go? In the end even selling everything would not be enough to keep our children fed and in school.

Please God, we need a miracle.

As things stand today, we have enough to barely survive 3 months.

We need our community; we need our friends to motivate everyone they know to do a little something.

SO here comes the positive part 

These blogs have reached over 6000 people! Imagine if each of those people could do something small, with family or friends or colleagues. 6000 small contributions would go a long way to saving TLC.

Have book sales, have bake sales, have dinner parties, and have fashion shows. Encourage people to read the websites, ask paediatricians to put leaflets in their offices. Ask schools to adopt a cot. Be creative, Be inspired and Be a Hero!

Please, please help TLC get through this.

We could not bear to lose our children!


  1. Pippa we will soon order Groceries for you through Pi'n'Pay... I wonder if you could put 'exactly' what are your grocery needs this time... check the list and make sure we see what your food needs really are... then we can just click it and have Pic'n'Pay deliver what you really need...If things are out of stock let us know what you want in its place ie; meat or veggies, flour, fruit...
    love you all so much!

  2. Pippa, i am emailing people like crazy to read your blog. i am sending out letters of fliers i have made that ask for anything baby related be donated to TLC. and mostly i am trying to spread the amazing love you all have and that i now have for TLC. ill do my best to save TLC. i love you all.

  3. MY Friends! Thank you so much!
    TLC is one big family and I am so privileged to have people like you to call on in our times of distress. Thank you!
    Love Pippa
